Yoga for post-covid or other illness recovery

Please note: You are responsible for your own health, safety and well-being. Please use common sense when attempting any exercise or activity (including yoga) that’s shown on this site. If you have any doubts or questions at all about the suitability of any activity or exercise for your personal situation, or before attempting a new activity or exercise, I strongly recommend that you make independent inquiries or consult a medical professional. Some of the exercises and activities described on this site may come under the heading of dangerous recreational activities, particularly if performed by someone who is inexperienced or who does not have the requisite fitness level. It is very important that you understand that by acting on any information displayed on this site, you take full responsibility for your actions and fully accept the risk of any damage or injury that may result.

Is yoga good for post covid or other illness recovery?

We are often taught to not exercise at all when we are sick, and for the most part, I would agree with that, especially when we are in the beginning or acute stage of an illness. In the first few days of my bout of covid, the last thing I wanted to do was move.

But, after a few days, I felt sore and stiff from spending so much time on the couch so I decided a good stretch was in order. What surprised me most was that my symptoms temporarily reduced after I did this sequence. When I started this mini class I felt very congested in my chest and I had a big glob of phlegm in my throat (TMI?). After this yoga session I felt a lot lighter in my chest and my throat had cleared.

Am I guaranteeing these same results for you?

Of course not! Just as we all experience illness differently, and we all have different bodies, our experience of this yoga sequence will also be unique.

What we do know is any exercise helps to stimulate the immune system so if you feel up to some gentle yoga when you are unwell, then this might be right for you. And only you will know.

Yoga class outside

What style of yoga is this class?

This is a “classic Emma” style of class that combines Vinyasa with restorative yoga. It is very gentle however there is one pose towards the end (camel) which is quite advanced. Make sure you listen to my prompts and don’t push yourself past your comfort zone with this pose.

You’ll also notice that the camera angle isn’t about showing you my “perfect” yoga postures because to be honest, I am not a perfect yogi (not many of us are!) Instead, listen to my voice for guidance and have a quick look if you can’t make sense of what I’m saying. (This class was filmed while I was still experiencing covid brain so I don’t get everything right 🤷‍♀️)

What do you need for this yoga class?

This class is fairly simple. I would grab yourself your mat, a couple of big cushions and a blanket if you like to get cosy in savasana.

When you are ready, click play and get started. Once you’re finished, let me know how you went in the comments.

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