Reflections on a year of self-care

2022 was one of the most challenging years for my health, ever.  This helped me understand that self-care was more important than ever before.

light box with the words self care and a love heart

In February I had a couple of hospital visits as my autoimmune disease flared up and caused heart palpitations.  I got the flu right at the beginning of flu season.  It floored me for an entire week and recovery took a while.  My long battle with endometriosis was reignited and I’ve been dealing with severe pain for at least 2 weeks out of every month since October.  And in November I ended up with the spicy cough.  I avoided it for 2.5 years but it got me in the end.

But here’s the thing… I might have had quite a few bad days in 2022 but the good days were excellent!  I had lots of motivation and energy.  My skin glowed.  I felt confident enough to put myself first.  And I became more me than I ever have before.

The hard days combined with the improved self-confidence meant that I felt compelled to prioritise self-care; these were the ten things that helped me the most.

  1. Counselling

I have been seeing a counsellor since the beginning of 2021 when I gave up alcohol.  I think it is essential to have someone to talk to about life, especially having that person be unconnected from the rest of your life.  At the beginning of 2022, I saw him every fortnight but by the end of the year my visits were occasional - every 6 weeks or so.  I believe having a counsellor is so important that I’m (slowly) studying for a Diploma in Counselling so that I can offer this service in the future.  

2. Starting the Fit & Free membership

I’m just like you… sometimes I can’t be f*cked exercising.  In fact, after having a hysterectomy in 2017, my break from exercise lasted 4 years!!  Leading a group of like-minded women in an online fitness group means that I show up because I can’t let the team down.  But more than that, I have created an exercise group that I actually want to be part of because the workouts aren’t too hard and they don’t leave me feeling exhausted and uncoordinated like gym workouts or online videos used to.  If one of your 2023 goals is to get back into exercise, consider Fit & Free.  It might be just what you need.

3. Changing my work

Back in April 2022 (which feels like a lifetime ago), I quit my job at The Health Nut and took a casual position at the local library.  Don’t get me wrong, I looooooved working at The Health Nut but managing a small business has a lot of responsibility and after spending most of 2021 caring for a friend with cancer on top of managing the shop, I wanted to have a little less responsibility.  Working at the library as part of a large team means that there is always someone else to take on my role when I’m not there so I can do my job to the absolute best of my ability and then leave it there when I go home.

4. Creating boundaries with my business

Back before the pandemic I used to teach my yoga and fitness classes all year round and inevitably at some stage of the year I would have a huge crisis with my back (I have scoliosis) and I would be in a lot of pain for weeks on end.  Now I teach my classes in terms which means I get a few weeks break a few times a year, my back doesn’t get too painful, and I am a happy yogi!

5. Starting a weekly walking date with my mum

I’ll be honest about this one… since mum had Covid in October and I had it in November, this has dropped off the list but we have both committed to getting back on track in 2023.  For most of this year, my mum and I went for a weekly walk together.  We spent the time getting into nature and chatting.  Sometimes I would have a lot to say and sometimes it would be mum’s turn to talk.  I know it’s probably something you’ve heard before but if you can combine socialising and exercise, you are on a winner, baby.

6. Continuing to learn about and practice intuitive eating

There are so many reasons why intuitive eating is great for both your physical and mental health.  If you don’t know much about it, check out this blog post by yours truly.  For me, 2022 was a breakthrough year when it comes to eating.  Up until recently, I was still holding on to a lot of food rules and when I didn’t meet them (which was almost every day) I felt the old guilt and shame from my dieting years.  In 2022 I learned more and more about intuitive eating and I read many studies which reinforced how great it is for physical and mental health.  I think 2023 will be a year of food peace for me and I can’t wait to pass that on to my clients.

7. Becoming a happy hermit

I hardly socialised (in person) in 2022.  Now that I don’t drink combined with teaching yoga three nights a week, the idea of heading out on the town at night is no longer my bag.  I keep in touch with friends through messaging and I make plans for walks or other activities.  And I’m okay with that.  I used to think being a homebody made me a bit of a loser but in 2022 that shifted and I have never felt happier or more balanced.

8. Accepting my size

Since having a hysterectomy in 2017 I have gone up 2 to 3 dress sizes.  For a long time that made me feel bad about myself.  I thought I’d let myself go (whatever the f*ck that means).  But in 2022 I realised that I have given up alcohol (consume fewer calories), I exercise about 7 hours a week (burn more calories) and I still haven’t lost weight so this must be the size I’m supposed to be.  On a “bad” day I wish I was thinner but mostly I accept the size I am and I really like the person inside the body and that’s what matters most.

9. Starting to take CoQ10

I am not a naturopath or medical professional so don’t take this as personalised advice, but at the beginning of 2022 I was reading Exhausted to Energised by Dr. Libby Weaver and she talked about the benefits of CoQ10 for increasing energy levels.  I started taking it and felt I had better energy levels almost immediately.  I noticed the difference when I stopped taking it for a few weeks so I started again and haven’t looked back.

10. Buying a new pillow

I had a period when my neck was out, causing me lots of grief.  I got a new pillow and after a few days of getting used to it, I love it and sleep well every night.  Simple fix!

My biggest act of self-care for 2023 will be learning to go with the flow.  I have 3 jobs and my chronic illnesses can be unpredictable so I really want to learn to be okay with uncertainty.  Rather than pushing myself to achieve more, I am ready to notice how amazing my life already is.  I want to be open to resting when I need it and going hard to tick things off my list when I have some energy.  I reckon it’s going to be a challenge, but I’ll check in this time next year and let you know how things have turned out.


3 ways your body image was ruined by diet culture in the 1990s & 2000s


4 questions to ask yourself to determine if you already practicing intuitive eating