Why you should journal (and how)


If you’ve never had a journaling practice, I absolutely understand. But I’d like to change that if I can!

Back in the day when I was a busy, stressed corporate executive I never picked up a pen and paper to journal. I was FAR TOO BUSY to ever do something like that... But if I had, I might have changed my life for the better much sooner.

Journaling is a great way to connect with your true feelings, personal values and what lights you up. So if I had journaled back then I would have realised far more quickly that I wasn't enjoying my work and that I should make some changes.

There are multiple, documented benefits for our health and wellbeing too. From increasing self-confidence to boosting the body’s ability to heal - for such a simple practice, journaling has a lot of benefits. Read some more here.

I’ve created a journaling masterclass - you can watch it here 👇

How to get started with journaling.

The thing is, I WAS journaling back in my corporate days because I was writing to-do lists. Which to me is a form of journaling because it is getting my thoughts out on paper.

You probably know how good it feels to write a to-do list. It helps you to feel organised, motivated and inspired. So why not take your journaling up a notch? I thought I'd share the evolution of my journaling practice so you can see how you can create one easily for yourself.

The evolution of my journaling practice

To-do lists

For busy people this is the simplest way to get your thoughts onto paper. If you are trying to keep everything in your head no wonder you feel overwhelmed (#justsaying). So just grab some paper and a pen and write down all the things you want to get done. Today. This week. This month. This year. This lifetime. Get it all out on paper... doesn't that feel better?

Gratitude journal

My next step on the journal journey was starting a daily gratitude practice. I began to write down 3 things I was grateful for every day. At first it felt a bit unnatural but after a short period of time I couldn't wait to get to the end of the day because I had so much to be grateful for. This is a simple practice that takes just a few minutes a day.

Wins Journal

A couple of years ago I signed up for a course about money management. I might be good at self acceptance, not so good with money. But that is changing! :) The course recommended I start a wins journal. When you learn a new skill it can feel frustrating when you don't get it right. A wins journal helps you feel like you aren't a complete failure by encouraging you to write down one win from each day. Something you did or a result you worked towards over time that felt like a win.

Nowadays I combine the wins & gratitude journal in my planner each night. And I use stickers!! SO. MUCH. FUN.

wins & gratitude journal.jpg

Using prompts from my mentors

My journaling took a huge step up in 2016 when I joined a course for entrepreneurs called Align & Attract. This program teaches a process that helps clear out the things that are blocking you from living up to your true potential. Part of the process is journaling and this is when my practice really took off! This is when I could see that journaling is an amazing practice for clarity and confidence boosting. And why it's part of The Body Love Method.

Using tools for prompts

My current (and fave) way to journal is to pull an oracle card and use that as my guide. What does the oracle card say? How do I relate to it? You could do this with a book or even something someone said to you. I set a timer for about 5 minutes and then I just write. I do it daily and it really helps me to feel calmer & clear. If you’d like to learn more about Oracle Cards, check out my course here.

100% Freestyle

To be honest, this one is the hardest for me but it's when you sit down and just write because you feel like it. No prompts. No other support, just write. This is a good one if you enjoy writing or just want to up your journaling game

So, now you know the benefits of journaling and how to get started, are you going to give it a try? Let me know which practice appeals to you the most in the comments below.


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