Why I Offer Sliding Scale Pricing for Health Coaching and Intuitive Eating Counselling

As a health coach and intuitive eating counsellor, I'm passionate about helping people achieve their health and well-being goals. But I also recognise that access to these services can be a significant barrier for many individuals due to cost. That's why I'm proud to offer sliding scale pricing for my services.


Why Sliding Scale Pricing Matters

  • Improved Accessibility: By offering a range of fees based on a client’s personal financial experience, I aim to make my services more accessible to everyone. This allows individuals with limited resources to prioritise their health and well-being with less financial hardship.

  • Reduced Health Disparities: Traditional fixed pricing models often disproportionately impact low-income individuals, leading to health disparities. Sliding scale pricing helps bridge this gap, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to receive quality health coaching and intuitive eating counselling.

  • Increased Empowerment and Ownership: By offering flexible pricing, I empower individuals to take ownership of their health journey. They can choose a plan that fits their budget, fostering a sense of control and commitment to their goals.

  • Stronger Community Building: By making my services more accessible, I can work with a wider range of individuals, creating a diverse and inclusive community. This fosters a sense of belonging and support, which is crucial for long-term success in achieving health goals.

  • Giving back to my community: I believe in giving back to my community and supporting those who may be struggling financially.


Beyond Affordability:

While affordability is important, I also believe in providing value and personalised attention to each of my clients. Regardless of the fee you pay, you'll receive the same high-quality coaching and support, including:

  • Individualised coaching sessions: We'll work together to create a personalised plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

  • Evidence-based guidance: I base my coaching and counselling on the latest research and best practices in health and nutrition.

  • Compassionate support: I'm here to listen to you without judgement and provide you with the support you need to reach your goals.


Here’s how the sliding scale works. 

Below is a picture I found on wortsandcunning.com.  I encourage you to read the different bottles and decide which one best describes your financial situation.



If you currently identify with the left bottle, then you pay full price for my sessions.

If you currently identify with the middle bottle, you can receive a 20% discount on my services by using the coupon code MIDDLE when you book.

If you currently identify with the right bottle, you can receive a 40% discount on my services by using the coupon code ACCESSIBLE when you book.

I am offering 5 sessions for each person at the reduced price.


The sliding scale prices are offered for the following services (click on the link to book)


Investing in Your Health:

Investing in your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. By offering sliding scale pricing, I hope to make this investment more accessible for everyone.

If you're ready to take control of your health and embrace health at every size and body love, I encourage you to reach out to me today. If you’re not ready to book a session because you’re not sure where to start, click here to organise a free 15-minute health history so we can have a chat.



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