Setting an intention for Body Love – the essential first step

One of the first things I learned in yoga teacher training was, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”  Try it out.  If I ask you to put your attention on your left thigh, all of a sudden you can feel your left thigh.  It might tingle, feel a bit warm, or just be noticeable.  You don’t usually feel your left thigh unless you bring attention to it.  I’ve since discovered that the entire quote is, “Where attention goes, energy flows; where intention goes energy flows.”  The quote is by James Redfield, author of the Celestine Prophecy.  And that is why intention (attention) is the first step in the Body Love Method.


Why do we need Body Love?

The body hate and shame we feel, the hustle culture we live in is a bit like the water in a fishbowl.  The fish can’t see the water unless it’s pointed out to them.  It’s just the way they live.  Once we bring attention to all the ways we are made to not feel good enough in the world, it’s hard to un-see it.  And we might have been swimming in it for years without even noticing – advertising, the diet industry, the wellness industry, the gender pay gap, all the unpaid domestic labour that women do, women’s work/interests/health not being valued as highly as their male counterparts.  When we’ve been surrounded by it for years it takes it’s toll.  That’s why Body Love is so important.  It’s one way to reclaim our power around our bodies; in the way they look, the way we value them, and the amount of pressure we put them under.


What is Body Love?

Body love is a positive mindset and acceptance of one's own body, regardless of its shape, size, or age. For women over 50, embracing body love can have numerous benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Here are some examples:

1.     Improved self-esteem: Embracing body love helps people develop a positive self-image and boosts self-esteem. It allows them to appreciate their bodies for all the experiences and challenges they have overcome, fostering a sense of confidence and self-worth.

2.     Enhanced body acceptance: As women age, their bodies naturally go through changes such as wrinkles, grey hair, or weight fluctuations. Body love encourages acceptance of these changes and cultivates a healthier relationship with one's body, reducing self-criticism and comparison to unrealistic beauty standards.

3.     Increased emotional well-being: Body love promotes a positive emotional state. By letting go of negative body image concerns, women can focus on enjoying life, pursuing their passions, and nurturing their relationships. This shift in mindset can lead to greater happiness, contentment, and a sense of fulfilment.

4.     Greater body autonomy: Body love empowers women to make decisions about their bodies based on their own desires and needs, rather than societal pressures or external expectations. It allows them to prioritise self-care and engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, irrespective of societal beauty norms.

5.     Improved physical health: When women prioritise body love, they tend to engage in healthier habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and self-care practices. By adopting these positive lifestyle choices, women can experience improvements in their physical health, including increased strength, flexibility, and overall vitality.

6.     Positive role modelling: By embracing body love, older women become powerful role models for younger generations. They challenge ageist attitudes and unrealistic beauty ideals, promoting body diversity and teaching others to love and accept themselves as they are.

Remember, body love is a personal journey, and it's important to recognise that everyone's path is unique. Embracing body love doesn't mean completely eliminating moments of self-doubt or insecurities, but rather developing a compassionate and understanding relationship with your body and celebrating its strength, resilience, and beauty at any age.


How to get started with Body Love? 

Back in 2017, I created The Body Love Method which is a series of practices and lessons I learned to help me overcome my long-held body shame and hustle mentality.  I shared this method with dozens of women, and it helped them too.  You can read more about The Body Love Method here.

The very first step of the Method is to set the intention to change your mentality about your body.  I promise you, it’s much easier to change your mindset than it is to change your body.  Once you set the intention to do this for yourself, your energy will start to flow towards taking action towards living a body love life.


How to set an intention for body love

The most important part of setting an intention is that it is what YOU want!  Too often we have set goals for ourselves that are based on what other people want for us – societies beauty standards, our doctor telling us what we should do, our bosses’ or families’ expectations on us.  I think of goals as something we have to GO outside of ourselves for.  Our intentions are INternal.  They are things that we want for ourselves without the outside influences.

Here's how to do it:

 1. Settle into a place that is quiet and move into self-acceptance and love

2. Ask yourself these questions; "why am I here? why do i want to make a change? How do I want my life, energy, mindset to be different?"

3. Take another deep breath and ask yourself, "How do I want to feel in 3 months time?"

4. Declare your intention - say it out loud, tell a friend, write it down somewhere you'll see it

5. Check that it aligns with YOUR values and not someone else's

6. Review your intentions (and values) often - ideally, you'll look at your intention daily


You might also like support during this time of change.  If so, my Body Love Yoga Challenge might be right for you.  I run this course twice a year.  It includes daily practices for 90 days to support you to move through The Body Love Method and find peace and love for your body. You can find out more here.


So, set your intention today.  Allow your energy to flow towards that new relationship with your body so that you can feel more confident, energetic and peaceful because you have found body love.


Why decluttering is essential for Body Love


Revolutionise Your Relationship with Your Body: The Power of The Body Love Method